Jan Börger (Rotterdam, 1929-2004) is one of the most eccentric Rotterdam visual artists of the second half of the twentieth century. His oeuvre consists mainly of pen drawings in a characteristic and idiosyncratic style, depicting female nudes and portraits.
Twenty years after the death of Börger, Brutus believes it is time for a retrospective of his work. Börger's monomaniacal work is questioned in the exhibition by the Rotterdam-based artist Juul Kraijer (Assen, 1970), whose work is regularly shown and appreciated at home and abroad.
We find similarities - no more than that - in the work of Kraijer. In the period from 1992 to 2004, she made exclusively drawings, most of them in charcoal, some with color accents in Conté chalk. Nowadays she also makes sculptures, photographs and videos, in which the formal language and symbolism she developed in her drawings can be unmistakably found.
Twenty years after the death of Börger, Brutus believes it is time for a retrospective of his work. Börger's monomaniacal work is questioned in the exhibition by the Rotterdam-based artist Juul Kraijer (Assen, 1970), whose work is regularly shown and appreciated at home and abroad.
We find similarities - no more than that - in the work of Kraijer. In the period from 1992 to 2004, she made exclusively drawings, most of them in charcoal, some with color accents in Conté chalk. Nowadays she also makes sculptures, photographs and videos, in which the formal language and symbolism she developed in her drawings can be unmistakably found.