Let’s Get Physical was an exhibition and sculpture route that showed the dynamic and thriving industrial Merwe-Vierhaven area in Rotterdam West. In addition, it was a celebration of the regained freedom to be outdoors, together and physically active.

Let’s Get Physical began at the AVL Mundo Sculpture Park which served as its home ground with a revolutionary installation, The Technocraat (2003), a complex enclosed circuit of food, alcoholic beverages, excrement and energy, in which garbage of humanity - and humans themselves - are used as raw material for biogas production. There were twelve participating locations: Weelde, Floating Farm, Keilecafé, Keilepand, De Voedseltuin, Keilewerf, Stichting Dakpark, The Lee Towers, Crossfit Nultien and other locations on public grounds.
Spread across all these locations, the following artworks were on display: the Alcoholator, the Autocomposter, the Arschmänner, the Fermenting vessel with man, The Cube, the Exrementus megalomanus, the Foodreaktor, the Helpers, Der Kuss, the Invisible hand, The Sower, Family, the Horn of plenty, the Panta Rhei, the Weltmeister, the Power hammer, the Steam hammer house, the Pantokrator, the Statistocrat, the Welness skull, the Philosopher, the Waterwagon, Le Foot, the Tree of Life, the AVL Man waving, the Big Boiler, the utopia, the Vice, the Buffel, the Darwin, the Milkman and at last the Kiss. Each artwork has a deeper message that connects to the issue at hand.

Atelier Van Lieshout’s work explores critical issues of our time. From animal welfare in the bio-industry to our destructive agricultural practices; the organization of a society focused on high-value production efficiency and ever-increasing consumption; life cycles and death. There is a constant tension between society and the system, the individual versus the bigger whole. Atelier Van Lieshout’s work simultaneously breathes cheerful cynicism and pessimistic utopia.

The course of the kick off
To open the exhibition, AVL Mundo and BRUTUS organised a vernissage. During the event, the sun participated wonderfully, as did the visitors. It was a successful opening of the sculpture route that offered relief and pleasure during hard times with many restrictions. Around 30 artworks by Atelier Van Lieshout had been placed across 13 locations in the M4H area. Each location displayed a work of art that fitted into its surroundings, such as The Milkman at the Floating Farm. As a result, the sculpture route drew attention to the hidden gems in the M4H area. This is an area known for its groundbreaking pioneers, innovation and creative developments. From leisure to gyms to high-end lofts in this beautiful harbour. While walking through the Let’s Get Physical, you came across this extraordinary diversity.